Saturday, October 31, 2009

biological clock

i think its time for quotes of the day.

1. "my biological clock is ticking"
2. "! what do you mean by your biological clock is ticking?! you feel old, needy, horny?"
3. "SDU!"

what? is 25 the new 40?

Friday, October 23, 2009


time to time i get this feeling of "man, i miss my friends"

mannn i miss my friends!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


shit. i need to get the bollywood song dubbed in korean out of my system. sorrysorrysorrysorry!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


for the nth time, i am not filipino!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

heart & sweat

for the past few months, i've been working on a particular project which requires me to give a training to the entire field sales force. After many discussions with my boss, my team, the management, colleagues, doing up presentations slides, changing presentation slides, discussion, more changes, OT, OT , OT, it all paid off last night. all the positive encouragements i've got made it all worthwhile.

and manda: i was THISSSSSS close to going fly with them. haha!

back to sleep.

Sunday, October 04, 2009



吳英雄 :: 痞子英雄

Saturday, October 03, 2009

the drama in my life (i try to make it more exciting)

more screw ups at work. gastric flu & lucky i didnt puke on the train instead. my dark eyerings can actually get worse!

that's as much excitment as you can get for now.

and out.