Sunday, June 26, 2011

a warm welcome home

after spending most part of the past 2 weeks away on biz trips, i have come to appreciate truly the part of the touch down announcement where they say "...and to all Singaporeans and residents of Singapore, a warm welcome home"

now i am going to show you the pretty parts of Maldives. for the not so pretty parts, just imagine little india.

little india(s) surrounded by the vast indian ocean, voila, Maldives!

do you spot the reason why i am not splashing around in there?

Sunday, June 19, 2011


昨天弄伤了手指,搞得手指整个瘀青。从小爸爸就像家里的推拿师,每次扭伤自己都找爸爸求救。这次虽然只是场小意外,我也照样的拿着铁打酒向老爸撒娇。 这原来是幸福。

Friday, June 10, 2011

young once

it was always a hard decision to decide what to throw out when it comes to spring cleaning. diaries, notebooks, textbooks, notes, magazines. spent more time reading through them everytime and then decide that after all these were memories worth reminiscing over the next time i read them.

again, i chanced across the diary i kept when i was 14. that was quite a definitive year.

this time around, i figured there are the moments which i no longer need that diary to remember, and others which were better off not being re-visited.

this time around, i decided to stop hoarding.