Tuesday, July 31, 2007

喜歡 - 張懸

喜歡 - 張懸
作詞:焦安溥 作曲:焦安溥(張懸的本名)

片段中 有些散落 

有些深刻的錯 還不懂 
這一秒鐘 怎麼舉動 怎麼好好地和誰牽手
那寂寞 有些許不同 我挑著留下沒說
那生活 還過分激動 沒什麼我已經以為能夠把握
而我 不再覺得失去是捨不得 
有時候 只願意聽你唱完一首歌
在所有人事已非的景色裡 我最喜歡你
片段中 有些散落 
有些深刻的錯 就快懂 
這一秒鐘 怎麼舉動 怎麼好好和你過
那寂寞 有些許不同 我挑著留下沒說
那生活 還過分激動 沒什麼我已經以為能夠把握
你知道 你曾經讓人被愛
並且經過 畢竟是有著怯怯
但能 給的沉默在所有不被想起的快樂裡 我最喜歡你
而我不再覺得 而我不再覺得

from now till ay07/08

// collect cd pre-order
// ktv Aug 1st
// dinner Aug 2nd
// baybeats Aug 3rd
// gan ann back on Aug 3rd
// cel to france on Aug 7th
// Grandma's check up Aug 7th
// clear up room
// prep for nerdfest
// resume compilation sign-off by Aug 13th
// continue bidding for spanish (*alt: BP or other art elective)
// TERM 1 AY07/08 & BOSS 2 Aug 20th

... Current Confirmed Timetable
1200 - 315pm: Personnel Selection
330 - 645pm: Intellectual Property Rights

1200 - 315pm: Performance Management

...Exam dates
27th Nov - Performance management
29th Nov - Personnel selection
30th Nov - Intellectual Property

ktv ktv ktv tomorrow!!!

作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信 編曲:五月天

是你的形影 叫我逐天作眠夢
夢中可愛的人 伊不是別人
我的每一天 一分鐘也不當輕鬆
你是我愛的人 將我來戲弄

九月的風在吹 哪會寒到心肝底
希望變無望 決定我的一世人
I LOVE YOU 無望 你甘是這款人
沒法度來作陣 也沒法度將我放

I LOVE YOU 無望 我就是這款人
我身邊沒半項 只有對你的思念 

Monday, July 30, 2007

one fucking beauty contest

"Dwayne: You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. School, then college, then work... Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I want to fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest"

from .. Little Miss Sunshine

celine's home in 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007


lets see what i have been up to (skipping the work part) last weekend was spent catching up with frenchie celine. working out our calf muscles from all the walking at chinatown & habourfront as well as stomach muscles from all those eating. sunday was tapas night at cel's place to celebrate her birthday. made plans for upcoming gathering this weekend. went through a major hormones rage which put me in a REALLY bad mood. Bidding rubbed it in because i only managed to get 2 courses out of 4 and Spanish is so not falling into my lap despite the obscene amount i bidded. took a day off yesterday and spent it being insanely happy just waking up late & watching Ugly Betty. and voila, new layout. oh, i made my 1st collage too - a birthday card for celine - which i forgot to take a picture of. and then, i rumble & rumble on because i am simply too ... bored.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

May 20th - Way to Siem Reap

Phnom Penh. This picture reminds me of Squatterpunks which was screened during film fest.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


tw. 3.40 a.m.

很不爽 我很不爽 不要讓我更不爽
快抓狂 我快抓狂 不要搞不清狀況

我要飛 而你卻像 埋葬夢想的高牆
我要跳 而你卻像 地心引力的蠻強

是你讓大氣缺氧 是你把天堂弄髒 是你把地球變成我的戰場
快抓狂 快抓狂!

是火藥裝滿心臟 是血管裝滿岩漿 呼吸也不能呼吸呼吸呼吸
快抓狂 快抓狂!

要怎樣 不然你想要怎樣 要怎樣 我們現在就明講
誰怕誰 看誰先讓誰投降 誰怕誰 誰叫你要讓我 抓狂

恨是火 憤怒是鋼 我是沸騰的膽量
為什麼 要生存在 天使墜落的地方

很不爽 我很不爽 不要讓我更不爽 快抓狂 我快抓狂 不要搞不清狀況


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

見過電影裡面人家看海 更想去看海 唱過人家的愛 更想找愛 你哭起來 我笑起來 都為了 愛愛愛 有一天翻開辭海 找不到愛 花不開 樹不擺 還是更暢快 愛 還是會期待 還是覺得孤單太失敗 我愛故我在

Monday, July 23, 2007

como estas?

estoy triste.
estoy muy triste.

the poverty cycle

Kiva.org - microfinance and microcredit - Help someone today!
From my friend Elisa, who has spent the last few months in India learning about microfinance and microcredit. Now there is an easy way to help with Kiva.org.

Hi everyone, I don't normally spam-mail, but as you know, I've been
spending some time out here in India learning about the microfinance
sector and I've been seeing lots of great things being done in the
world of microfinance and microcredit. Some of you have already asked
me what can be done to help, so I've decided to send this mass mail
out to you.

While I've only just begun my journey into discovering how I can
sustainably help the sector long term, there are easier ways for all
of us to get involved TODAY to support the elimination of poverty
around the world once and for all. I know all of you will take the
time to read this, and I hope this might spur some of you to maybe
even get involved:
(note that they even have easy-to-paste template texts!)

I want to let you all know about a cool non-profit that is doing great
things: Kiva.org

Kiva.org allows individuals to make $25 loans to low-income
entrepreneurs in the developing world (microfinance). By doing so,
individuals like you provide affordable working capital for the poor
(money to buy a sewing machine, livestock, etc.), empowering them to
earn their way out of poverty.

It's a new, direct and sustainable way to fight global poverty, and
the way I see it, I get a higher return on $25 helping someone build a
future than the interest my checking account pays. Also, If you've
already been active in donating to NGOs like the UNICEF or Red Cross,
consider this a more transparent and regenerative way to "donate" your
money as well.

I just made a loan to someone in the developing world using their easy
to use website, all in just 5 minutes.

You can go to Kiva's website and lend to someone in the developing
world who needs a loan for their business - like raising goats,
selling vegetables at market or making bricks. Each loan has a picture
of the entrepreneur, a description of their business and how they plan
to use the loan so you know exactly how your money is being spent -
and you get updates letting you know how the business is going. The
best part is, when the entrepreneur pays back their loan you get your
money back - and Kiva's loans are managed by microfinance institutions
on the ground who have a lot of experience doing this, so you can
trust that your money is being handled responsibly.

I just made a loan to an entrepreneur named Julieta Gutierrez in
Bolivia. They still need another $150.00 to complete their loan
request of $200.00 (you can loan as little as $25.00!). Help me get
this business off the ground by clicking on the link below to make a
loan to Julieta Gutierrez too:


It's finally easy to actually do something about poverty - using Kiva
I know exactly who my money is loaned to and what they're using it
for. And most of all, I know that I'm helping them build a sustainable
business that will provide income to feed, clothe, house and educate
their family long after my loan is paid back.

Join me in changing the world - one loan at a time.

Thanks for reading!
Looking forward to catching up with all of you and relating my
experiences at some point.


What others are saying about www.Kiva.org:

'Revolutionising how donors and lenders in the US are connecting with
small entrepreneurs in developing countries.'
-- BBC

'If you've got 25 bucks, a PC and a PayPal account, you've now got the
wherewithal to be an international financier.'
-- CNN Money

'Smaller investors can make loans of as little as $25 to specific
individual entrepreneurs through a service launched last fall by
-- The Wall Street Journal

'An inexpensive feel-good investment opportunity...All loaned funds go
directly to the applicants, and most loans are repaid in full.'
-- Entrepreneur Magazine


the only question to ask is "why not?"

Saturday, July 21, 2007



taken on 17th May :: on the cab to Danang train station

Friday, July 20, 2007

launch of uncheena

since 2001, that's 7 years of blogging. There's was a period of time I wanted to stop once and for all, and the only 2 person I told that to told me not to. That was at Marine Parade, 2005, and we just had durians. there's not many people in this world with whom you can eat such supposedly smelly food together.

today, i took small delight and warmth in a simple "i've always liked what you wrote".

and i am not a writer writer material. if you have noticed, i am not grammatically correct and my punctuations are in the wrong places. and while i tell my tuition kids not to begin sentences with 'and', begin sentences with caps etc; i myself flout all the rules.

i guess there is still a long way for my poor writing, because i realize i do enjoy it. it is a joy in itself to find something u like doing. most people don't realize nor take time to find out or to feel it.

today, my poor writing took another form. it is such a laugh, but hope you enjoy my underground magazine. where i not only flout grammer rules but also copyrights.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

ter to aust

sms received at 5.15pm

"Alright guys. I'm at the airport for my 7.50pm flight already. See ya guys when I'm back for my summer break. Take care."

so this is it terence yeo. u didn't even do the dinner thing you said we would so that I can knock you back to your stupid senses before you fly off to the aussieland.

be safe..

mickey mouse

here's another one from our daily instant email chats. Really, you will come to a stage whereby you feel grateful that you actually have real friends. friends, who share your same type of humour. if you dont get the below, you and i, there's a sarchasm between us.

"dunno why all the smu pple around me like know that we are all from the same school and we are all bored and have unfriendly colleagues who dont ask us out for lunch but NOBODY is friendly to each other la!!

like i walk pass them and smile or like stop by their desk to chat awhile then they give the very monosyllabic answers and nv smile.

FINE LA go wallow in ur own friendlessness!
wah lau eh i know this is gonna sounds weird but IM SO SICK OF UNFRIENDLY PEOPLE!!!!

im like mickey mouse compared to them"

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

keep walking

Blockquotekeep walking, he told himself. Keep walking. I can stop and drink a pail of air when I get home. A Beatles song started in his head, and he adjusted his pace to match it. It was only when he got to the chorus that he realize that he was humming "Help."

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

def: of little or no weight, worth, or importance

unfortunately, i do not trust frivolousness.

this is what helps to get through our days

thanks jan for summarizing all our 'quotes of the day'. anger does good for our wits!

Blockquote email chats by the SEBU (Society of Employed and Bored Undergrads) never fails to be the highlight of my everyday at work.

on BOSS bidding for final year:
"u guys back yet?When timetable is confirmed, u still got to add 1 module.Called Tau Hway Break (THB101)
It is a new course you have to take under the Local study section.Can also fulfill the Bachelor of Social Life (BSS) core.
No need edollars. Need real money, but 1 dollar enough. If u want you cha kueh then add more money"

on planning for physical destruction:

"lets burn down the school"

"actually our school is 80% glass"

"so it should be lets BREAK the school down"

on applying animal behavior in organizations: (yes theres such a course here)

"i think my company here follows the prairie dog model.When trouble comes, only know how to run, hide and cover own backside."

on SMU having a florist:

"why would SMU need a florist?"

"maybe after u go into working world no time for romance...so all the romance in ur life must be squeezed into undergrad days and retirement."

on today's Straits Times article on the happiest undergrads coming from SMU:

euneh: "i say they interviewed all the SMU ambassadors and left janelle out"

maan..i almost spat out my milo at the last one..

Monday, July 16, 2007

ugly betty

hola amigos!
the binging bimbo: ho-la!
betty's spanish dad: it is O-la...
the binging bimbo: it is HO-la. there is a "h" in there.
.....scene from Ugly Betty

all the best to apple for his first day at work.
and THIS is so cool.... have always wanted to do something like this.

I hate BOSS.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

May 16th - Hoi An

My Son is this Vietnamese equivalent of the Cambodian Angkor. just ALOT smaller. but I got to sit in a jeep! I guess I have a thing for retro automobiles. And Vietnam has them, all the Vespas and Jeeps, I was busy oogling at them.

*by the way, i came across this other person who uploaded her Angkor pictures and it felt good, warm, familiar, cool in a way to see that someone saw the same things that you did and took the same photos that you did. What made me notice was I saw the picture of the monks, and my brain went "I think I saw these monks before". well, pretty amazing in a weidd sort of way isnt it. I know its a tourist attraction and there's probably loads of these pictures out there but well, her pictures kinda did its work on me. well, it helps u do a little cheating. at the rate I am doing, it will be Christmas when I finally go into Cambodia here.

credits to ngader

cooking in

i didnt burn the kitchen down, didnt kill myself .... just got attacked by the butter splatters. but let's skip that part of the story.

soba & salmon

1st bring the water to a boil then put the soba in ...

when cooked, sieve out the soba & 'wash' them in cold water. (like how one will washes clothes) this is to remove the floury taste and to give the noodles its elasticity. i suppose.

buttering up the pan

in goes the salmon
wait till its golden brown



Friday, July 13, 2007

kids say the darnest things

kids say the darnest things. I like kids so long as they arent whiney, shrill, princessesy, in a tantrum, noisy.

kid: (pointing to the KITCHEN) I want to go to the chicken!

I'm so bored so here's a...

1. What’s a gross food you like anyway?
I used to like fish eyes when I was younger. Well, since you all already say I eat the weirdest food!

2.Who’s an unlikeable person you like anyway?
usually unlikeable person is purely just unlikeable. but sometimes i forgive Edison Chen for his illogical, grammerless talk when I get to the pictures. SOMETIMES.

3.What’s an unpleasant task you enjoy performing anyway?

4.What’s a dumb song you enjoy anyway?
the repetitive type. Like how 2 word can be a song. My favourite diss has to be Smoke Machine. smoke machine. smoke machine. smoke machine . smoke smoke smoke smoke machine.

5.What’s a lousy restaurant you frequent anyway?
SMU Kopitiam. I so do not look forward to eating there when school term starts.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

jan's birthday

In celebration of jan's birthday at Waraku's & dessert at Island Creamery after that.
Happy Birthday Jan!

As usual we were too caught up with food to take pictures of our food or full body shot of jan in her dress. I've got a feeling I will be having time-to-time craving for the curry kishimen. I love it from the curry to the kishimen to the nikku (beef) thumbs up! it is such a good thing to have friends who are foodies. will be better without the transfat talk though! haha

right now, I'm thinking about Teochew Muay.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

AY 07/08 Term 1

1530 - 2000
MKTG358 - Visual Design For Marketing

MKTG224 - World Travel & Tourism
Tutor - JL

OBHR203 - Personnel Selection
Tutor - JV

SPAN201 - Elementary Spanish
Tutor - YH

OBHR202 - Performance Management & Compensation

*I can't escape from a 5 day school week, unless I drop Visual Mkt. oh well. Slot in THB101 (TauHwayBreak), LWK101 (LunchWithKaki) & additional tuition assignment from here on.

baby cousins

2 of my aunties are pregnant, so angel & tongtong will have an additional playmate in their house. Family gatherings will increase by several decibel. 11 children in the house!!!


Its the durian season now. just 1 particular day when we were eating durians at home, my mum asked me if times like these remind me of my ah gong (my maternal grandfather).

I LOVE durians and everyone in my family knows that. In the past, when I go back to Malaysia to visit, there would always a big sack of durians waiting for me. In Muar, ah gong would be the one who buys them back. Everyone would gather to eat and even after everyone have had their fair share of durians, I would still be at the kitchen polishing down the rest of it. My appetite for durians was insatiable then. And this story about me will still be brought up every once in a while during gatherings. My ah gong even used to bring in durian from Malaysia for me when he comes to visit.

Now that ah gong is no longer with us, little memories like these help me to remember him by. My brother has his own set of stories regarding him and ah gong.

Since then many things have changed. In the past, there was those in Singapore, 1 family in Segamat and the rest in Muar. CNY is when everyone gathered at Muar and where the boys will play with all the fire works/crackers. Now, most of them are staying JB and have their reunion dinner there. Only my mother's side in still in Muar so we go back there to have our reunion dinner and it gets rather boring for me now that it is very quiet compared to last time. people who know about my big maternal family are surprised that both grandmas + their children get along amiacably. I guess they just cant imagine since polygamy is rather foreign in our day & age and tv only shows conniving families fighting for the inheritance (hahaa!). To me, I appreciate the fact that uncles, aunties and cousins still come together despite having different mothers/grandmothers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

the show must go on

once every 2 years since 1999, current members plus alumni gather together for our public performance. Yesterday was the 5th one and there was still ric, drey, gie alan representing us in that big stage. with 4 of them up there, 4 of them in USA, there was only a few of us left to occupy the audience seats. I guess I am still not used to small numbers when it comes to ahscds'01, always seems too empty when we arent cramped up like sardines.

after the show, our teacher (past, present teacher in charge) called out for all the Alumni to verbalised the previously much privately discussed Alumni-only show. Alumni-only show. Sounds unbelievable, alumni who have graduated from their alma mater, come together to put together a show. People who are now in various stages of their lives - some serving the nation, some schooling, some working, some engaged, some married, some with children - coming together as 1 alumni.

it is not about who gets the chance to be an actor, or director or anything. Just the thought of that, even being an audience will be an exceptionally touching moment.

Friday, July 06, 2007

i am a vertical slug

passed by a primary school today and saw little kids running round their little red track. feel like joining them. missed those un-vertical-sluggish days.

The guest star for Mayday's Taiwan's concert on 22nd of July will be..................................
Zhang Hui Mei.


my very very first concert is a Zhang Hui Mei's one in 1998 when I was 13.
and I can tell you, this combination is going to do some very good damage to your ear drums.



f l y e u n i c e t o t a i w a n p l e a s e ! !

Thursday, July 05, 2007

for ric

for the days you felt insignificant
or like today when you feel blue
for the days when confidence plunges
or the days the ego's bruised
for the times when you got tired,
like that day when you didn't know what to do,
for the moments you got lost
in everyday living, in circumstance, in your emotions.
for times like yesterday, today or tommorrow,
you will know...

"It's alright (it's alright)
it's all good (its all good)
it's okay
you will live to tell another day

it's all good (its all good)
it's okay (it's okay)
it's all fine
good things come in your way"
...Terri Walker

playing hard to want

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Just out of the blue, I decided to take a notebook to pen down some of my blog entries. Not including the blog entries that dissappeared mysteriously, the 1st recorded entry was in 2001 and that was when I was 16. Secondary 4.

Monodelphia is my 3rd blogspace.

Rewinding back to your life 6 years ago makes one realize again, looking back always result in the post evaluation of how funny one use to talk, dress, write. the songs we use to listen to... is what is deemed as cringeworthy now. Things seem more trivial, less emotional on hindsight. I guess the correct word would be faraway.

2001, we were 16 and still in that all white uniform. We were preparing for our drama competition and cried hard for our loss. At that very same year, we had our 2nd public performance, and I think that was the year we spent the most time together. We were mugging for our O levels, and spent our school holidays at AHS chalet (sleeping, lazing) or otherwise outside eating, we spent both recesses eating. There was something known as Study Buddy Club at the now defunct Marine Parade Starbucks. I thought it used to be mine and original, and then later there are morphed variations. That year, Shar, fi and I shared a single plate of mushroom pasta at Starbucks because we are poor students. That year, we ended our secondary school education at Anglican High.

that was 2001.







Monday, July 02, 2007

1999 年




Sunday, July 01, 2007


konkon2 konkon /\_/\

besides getting myself reacquainted with japanese drama all over again, i spend the weekdays getting whiny about work & tuition. and that made me appreciate weekends all the more because that is when i come alive, making up for the lack of company, laugh & casual talk over the weekday.

considering that for 2 years, we spent 5 days a week sitting next to each other - a once-a-year meetup is a pathetic excuse of catching up. anyway, congrats shar on the new dream job! chukahapnida!

p/s: we were at the national stadium closing event. Hear the lions roar!! rarrrrr!!