Friday, March 27, 2009

negative externalities

many a times, its not about you. its not about how hard you try, how hard you work, how good you are. many a times, its not about just doing your part and living your own life. because, shit is bound to come. shit that aint yours, problems that you didnt create. but they become your problem and you end up cleaning up someone else's shit. its like.. the recession, like pollution.. like responsibility and like no choice.

there is very good term for this in economics, its called negative externalities. and you can't escape from it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

we is not camel, we is need a drink

it's a friday i know. technically, its time to be happy - but considering the heartburn that work is giving me - its not such a happy friday

quote of the day
“we distrust camels or anyone who can go for a week without a drink”

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


all the things i've been blessed with:

1) able to return back to the wall and actually enjoying the climb. to actually miss climbing and now, its no longer a chore but a recreational activity which i all along wanted it to be.
2) wine
3) friends who are excited about PJ party, movies & guitar hero
4) friends who send me home
5) friends at work (YES finally!)
6) dinner to go home to
7) claimable cab fares
8) friends who love ktv as much as i do
9) O.S that says "omg, did God hear what I say"
10) a good job

im counting them

Friday, March 13, 2009


RARRR!! this is for fi & amanda.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Q1 2009

on monday, i wished it was friday again. fortunately tomorrow's the friday i've been waiting for!

this week was made more interesting by the van attachment i was on yesterday - doing sales with the guy. fortunately (with a bit of warped luck), i was with someone i am more comfortable hanging out with, so at least i had a good mix of work and jokes... Although i think he 'bullied' me into doing work more than the other girls who went on the attachment earlier on, because i helped in everything short of driving! but it good to do some manual work after facing the computer and numbers most of the time, so i do find it fun whenever i get to help out at the store etc.

time passes really fast. in school we segregate the year into semesters & terms and in work - quarters. Well, 1 quarter of the year is ending soon and i guess so far so good!!

Monday, March 09, 2009


每每在看舞林大道的时候, 都会有不由自主地在他们跳完后拍起手来。(还好通常都是我一个人在家)
如果说 b-boys 是一群爱抹地的人,那黑角真是一群很强的抹地boys. 他们的创意。。真的。


b-boys in india
rabbit & turtle race
heart 维大力! he's a gymnast representing Taiwan.

Sunday, March 08, 2009


my cup overfloweth.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

intel inside

im using up my post-holiday endorphines. been working late due to request after request for forecasts, historical data, numbers numbers NUMBERS numbers numbers.

(so ter, now you know why you can hardly find me and why i cant even reply you on FB cos its blocked in the office)

oh gosh. i need that chocolate martini!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


the corporate stuff went by smoothly enough, the hard part now would be getting back to work and getting what the boss wants right.

But it was an excellent choice to extend the weekend to spend time with my cousin. the 3 of us, in her friend's super retro car, went around shopping.. eating.. chatting.. laughing. nothing elaborate but it felt like such a special weekend to me. felt really blessed and happy to link arms with my cousin and shopping, to have her friend who so graciously accompanied us and drove us girls around for yummy food and braving though KL's crazy traffic jam.

it would be so great if we wouldn't staying in different countries and that we can continue to hang out with each other like that.