Saturday, September 04, 2010

how far must you walk to reach your destination

a retired billionaire was having a holiday at an island. this particular afternoon, he was at the beach smoking his pipe & drinking hs tea. along that beach, was a local fisherman who was also smoking his pipe and drinking his tea.

the billionaire approached the fisherman and asked - "why aren't you fishing?"

the fisherman explained that he has done his fishing in the morning and have just sold off all of his catch.

the billionaire said "then you should continue fishing. catch more fish and earn more money. with that money, hire more employees and expand your business. after which your company may get listed and then you can retire like me - at an island smokin' my pipe and drinking my tea."

inhaling deeply from his pipe, the fisherman paused and said: "so what do you think i'm doing now?"

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