Saturday, August 27, 2011

old friend

talking to an old friend now, and its amazes me how everytime i talk to an old friend whom i havent contacted for the longest of time, the conversation still comes easy and we still feel comfortable. maybe its the online media, things are probably easier to say when its not face to face. or perhaps that sense of comfort with each other was what made us friends in the first place.

i came to realize that there are some people i can never be friends with or can ever connect with. i've learnt to not take friendships for granted - afterall of all the people in the world, we meet, we get along fine, we spend enough time getting to know each other and like each other enough to become friends. there are those whom u talk to years on, and these are also those with whom we never get to pick up where we left off.

thats was fortunate and that is sad.

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