Sunday, August 12, 2007


probably wont be online for a while cos my room looks like it has been swept by a hurricane. ok, truth is, i got a nice cupboard handed down from my auntie, so i clearing up stuff and hoping to spruce my room up a little. made a short trip to Ikea on my own today and lugged home a full length mirror. i amaze myself sometimes. this whole clearing up thing will take quite some time, really, given the amount of rubbish i have.

on a side note, i think i really mugged freaking hard for my A levels econs. I have a pile of binded lecture notes not just from SAJC but also from TJC. on top of that, i have huge thick files of self written notes, all pain stakingly written in all those colourful markers we used to have. so much so i had been reluctant to throw away all these econs stuff even though i really dont have any use for them. weird to say that your notes have sentimental value isnt it.

like how we amazed ourselves that the lyrics to the song we used to sing in school has been ingrained in our minds and that we can rap to it even now, without looking at the lyrics.

ok, old out and new in!

刮风这天 我试过握着你手
但偏偏 雨渐渐 大到我看你不见
还要多久 我才能够在你身边

从前从前 有个人爱你很久
但偏偏 风渐渐 把距离吹得好远
好不容易 又能再多爱一天
但故事的最后 你好象还是说了

.... 周杰伦 - 晴天

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