Tuesday, April 07, 2009

April's List

1. Southern Ridges (conquered!)
2. 天冷就回来 (link)
3. Uniqlo (link)
4. Lomo (35mm film) (link)
5. Casual Poet (link)
6. Revive/Replace Knots
7. Zsofi Tapas Bar
8. Durian Puff at GoodWoodPark

(Update 16 Apr): sadly, knots cant be revived.

the contradictions & beauty of life.via casualpoet.


Apple said...

I want to do southern ridges too!! Shit u

eu said...

haha shit me for what?? its not my fault that you didnt go. nvm, we can always arrange another one.

manda said...

southern ridges again! for my sake.

and tapas! tapas! tapas!
euneh...u treat ok?

eu said...

manda: sure, IF i strike 4D. btw, i googled it and the address given is dunlop st (little india area) not at haji lane leh.

i think the haji lane one 1 heard about was some jazz bar.

we can organize another field trip and invite everyone along to the southern ridges.