Wednesday, January 10, 2007


school has been smooth sailing so far, lessons have been interesting at some points, bearable at others, boring till death at times. that's school life for you. whilst i enjoy the independence of worklife & the fairly stable hours for work & rest, i begin to feel abit reluctant to leave school as i inch closer to being a final year student. many others feel this way & some see taking masters as a way to avoid it. well, masters is not planned for my immediate future so a nosedive into a career is the next step after varsity. i'm learning to be happy in the now, so i will think about the grass on the other side when i do get there. so i will enjoy both the joy and the pains of varsity whilst im still here.

brazil looks really beautiful on tv. ah, the world is sooo big & pretty. i so want to see them all.

ears on: u87 - Eason Chan (good for hongkie relief)

in advertising class, prof was saying something about music being a very personal thing (he was objecting to Nokia's Music Connects campaign. he thinks its the contrary). and i agree, with the part about music being very personal. and you can tell alot about a person from the music. i like rummaging through people's collection (then sieve through it and copy them over), listen in to personal lists stored in mp3 player or phone and kick yourself into that mood. im missing my radioblog already but no host currently so no choice but to let monodelphia remain quiet..! such personal style & taste for music must have made you felt at one time or another that some song is very SOMEONE. like a song that is very eunice. haha i feel that sometimes like how emorock is very dex and how repetition is very del. so if you have a very eunice number, gmail me right away! it will be quite interesting.

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