Tuesday, June 03, 2008

on the 2nd day of taiwan, my true love sent to me...

(22nd May 2008) - Hualien

645am train to hualien

the train to hualien is a good kickstart to a journey in taiwan as it travels alongside the pacific ocean.

here we are at hua lien!

and off we go for visiting after breakfast. The Strong Amis! 阿美族

The lion of Taroko Gorge 太魯閣國家公園

The name, Taroko, means the "magnificent and beautiful"

Taroko Gorge and its surrounding area are well known for their abundant supply of marble, leading to its nickname, "The Marble Gorge". The rock now seen in Taroko began over 200 million years ago as sediment on the bottom of the ocean. As the sediment collected, it was subject to increasingly large amounts of pressure which eventually hardened it into limestone. Over the past 100 million years, compression between the Philippine and Eurasian techtonic plates supplied additional pressure that metamorphosed the limestone into marble.

watching a 原住民 performance

have way too many pictures on this day, this is where i busted 1G of memory space - just on the second day!

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