Wednesday, February 13, 2008


fell really sick yesterday. was feeling the hot and cold at the same time. i managed to tutor after 2 panadol and a nap but after that it got worse, and even as i crawled off to bed again in the evening, i felt like i was burning up my whole bed. in the end, my mum had to call my uncle for help to fetch me to the clinic as my dad was taking eons to get home.

i must have been a laugh cos there i was in with a shawl and a whole big box of tissue. haven't fell so sick in a long time. skipped school today and though I have many things to do, with at least 2 midterm paper next week, i just dont feel like doing anything.

and then there's the KTV tmr, interview on Friday, and the dinner + chalet. man, feel like just forgoing everything and sleep.

感謝我不可以 住進妳的眼睛 所以才能 擁抱妳的背影
有再多的遺憾 用來牢牢記住 不完美的所有美麗

感謝我不可以 擁抱妳的背影 所以才能 變成妳的背影
躲在安靜角落 不用妳回頭看 不用珍惜
(躲在安靜角落 如果妳回頭看 不用在意)

背影:: 林宥嘉

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