Tuesday, February 06, 2007

2 or 3 ?!?!?!??!! Manchi can't tell

at the risk of making my blog look juvenile, i will share with you all the joke of the day

recently, i was telling some of them how 曹格's new song sounded dangerously close to the childhood song '两只老虎'. and this was manchi's reaction to it today (and i summarize)

manchi: the song that you were talking that sounded like 三只老鼠 is called 两个恋人
eu: ... it is 两只老虎!
manchi: NO! the song is 两个恋人!
eu: i know i was referring the the childhood song. its called 两只老虎 not 三只老鼠

(she continued arguing that the song is 两个恋人,before finally getting the fact that i was referring to the childhood song, not the gary song)

manchi: isnt it 三只 ?!?!??!!?!
eu: its 两只 la! you no childhood is it?!?!?!??!?!?!?!
manchi: its 三只 lor i remember it as 三只!

(by this time i was already laughing and telling apple about this big joke. and apple also buay ta han her stupidity and said "you ask her is it cantonese version sing it as 三只?" manchi still ngeh ngeh insist its three tigers. so i said...)

eu: it is '两只老虎 两只老虎 跑得快 跑得快 一只没有眼睛 一只没有尾巴 真奇怪 真奇怪!' It is two lor! Where you count 3?!?
manchi: thats why i was wondering where did the other one go?!?!?!?!
(cue: faint once)

but she still ngeh ngeh dont believe and said she will ask her friends and get back to me
manchi: "if i dont get back to you, dont ask me why ok?"

after awhile.....
manchi: "EH!!!! MY FRIENDS ALSO SAY ITS 三只 lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(cue: faint twice)
eunice (desperate. & googles to show manchi): you go here. http://www.0to12.com/admin/news/2005-10/25-20051025100254_0.htm
manchi: ......
manchi: you google dont have 三只老虎 meh?
eu: DONT HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(i guess i dont have to cue you to faint by now)

Moral of the story: stupid manchi has no childhood. neither do her friends. never doubt yourself when arguing with manchi. YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. no matter how ngeh ngeh she is. (really you are more clever than her). Google is the best way to find an answer.


Anonymous said...

aiya. she thinking of three blind mice la. blame it on the govt for our billingual upbringing. rojak.

eu said...

GASPS. you are helping munchi?! hahaha lets see... cos u thought it was san zhi lao hu also right!

manchi said...

eh got chinese version of san zhi lao shu or not ah? then it's saame tune as liang zhi lao hu one?

eu said...

no there is no chinese version of 3 blind mice.. dont push it manchi! u are damn ngeh ngeh

Anonymous said...

no la. this kind of pattern. only either del or cel can pull. so i used to thinking this way. plus.. i don't even know who gary is. i only know gary jules. hah. 3 blind mice and the tiger song is use same tune also what. same as hot cross buns. i very got childhood one ok! PLUS i teach kids music REMEMBER?